Dec 30, 2024
A navigation menu is an organized set of links to the community pages. There are two areas where you can set up navigation:
Header Nav: Links edited or created here will reflect on your site's Header Navigation.
Quick Links: Links edited or created here are reflected on your site's Side Navigation menu.
Configure Header Navigation
- Click the gear icon in the upper right of the software.
- In the left navigation panel click Navigation in the Layout section.
- In the Header Nav section click Add Link.
- Configure the following:
- Link Text: This text displays on the button or as a tooltip on hover for all three link styles (required).
- Destination: Choose the destination of the link. To create an internal link, search for Pages, Groups, or Users. To create an external link that will open in a new tab, uncheck internal and enter a url.
- Icon: Choose an icon to accompany the link. If you set an icon for an internal link that has a photo already, the icon will show instead of the photo.
- Link Style: Choose from the 3 link styles
-Text: Text with an optional icon to the left
-Icon: Only a large icon shows with a tooltip on hover
-Icon with Text: A large icon with text underneath
- Click Save.
The menu option will now be displayed in the header navigation bar.
Configure Side Navigation (Quick Links)
- Click the gear icon in the upper right of the software.
- In the left navigation panel click Navigation in the Layout section.
- In the Header Nav section click Add Link.
- Configure the following:
- Link Text: This text displays on the button or as a tooltip on hover for all three link styles (required).
- Destination: Choose the destination of the link. To create an internal link, search for Pages, Groups, or Users. To create an external link that will open in a new tab, uncheck internal and enter a url.
- Icon: Choose an icon to accompany the link. If you set an icon for an internal link that has a photo already, the icon will show instead of the photo.
- Click Save.
Rearrange Quick Links
On the Create Quick Link screen, simply hover over and grab a link to drag it to the desired location.