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Home > Community - Getting Started > Set Up Community Navigation
Set Up Community Navigation
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A navigation menu is an organized set of links to the community pages. There are two areas where you can set up navigation:

  • Header Nav: Links edited or created here will reflect on your site's Header Navigation. 

  • Quick Links: Links edited or created here are reflected on your site's Side Navigation menu. 


Configure Header Navigation

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right of the software.
  2. In the left navigation panel click Navigation in the Layout section.
  3. In the Header Nav section click Add Link.
  4. Configure the following:
    • Link Text: This text displays on the button or as a tooltip on hover for all three link styles (required).
    • Destination: Choose the destination of the link. To create an internal link, search for Pages, Groups, or Users. To create an external link that will open in a new tab, uncheck internal and enter a url.
    • Icon: Choose an icon to accompany the link. If you set an icon for an internal link that has a photo already, the icon will show instead of the photo.
    • Link Style: Choose from the 3 link styles
      -Text: Text with an optional icon to the left
      -Icon: Only a large icon shows with a tooltip on hover
      -Icon with Text: A large icon with text underneath
  5. Click Save


The menu option will now be displayed in the header navigation bar. 


Configure Side Navigation (Quick Links)

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right of the software.
  2. In the left navigation panel click Navigation in the Layout section.
  3. In the Header Nav section click Add Link.
  4. Configure the following:
    • Link Text: This text displays on the button or as a tooltip on hover for all three link styles (required).
    • Destination: Choose the destination of the link. To create an internal link, search for Pages, Groups, or Users. To create an external link that will open in a new tab, uncheck internal and enter a url.
    • Icon: Choose an icon to accompany the link. If you set an icon for an internal link that has a photo already, the icon will show instead of the photo. 
  5. Click Save.


Rearrange Quick Links

On the Create Quick Link screen, simply hover over and grab a link to drag it to the desired location.

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