The grid module organizes site content into a cohesive layout, enabling appearance and user interaction customization. Options include shape, size, title, sort, and filter. You can also create multiple tabs with distinct filters and sorting for effective content categorization.

Add a Grid module
- Click the gear icon in the upper right of the software.
- In the left navigation panel click Pages in the Layout section.
- Click the desired page (or create a new page if needed). You can now customize this page.
- In the left hand panel click the + to add a module.
- Choose Grid from the list of modules. Grid will now be displayed in the left-hand panel.
- Click on Grid in the left hand panel to configure the module.
- Configure the following:
Name: Give the Grid a unique Name so that you can identify it later. The name doesn’t appear on the site page.
Show Title: When selected a title for the grid will be displayed above the grid. This is on by default.
- Tabs - Data Filtering: See instructions below.
Show Filter Options: When selected the front end user will have the ability to filter content.
Show Sort Options: When selected the front end user will have the ability to sort content. For example, speakers can be filtered A-Z based on title.
- Variant: This allows you to choose the module shape from the drop-down menuFor example, Circular, rounded, or square. Note that a square can be a rectangle; it just means it has hard corners instead of rounded corners. The screenshot above is displaying circular.
- Text Align: This allows you to set the alignment of the titles of each slide (not the module title). Options for: Center, Left and Right. We recommend using Left for most content but Center for speakers (because they are circular).
- Slide width and height: Input 355 (width) x 200 (height) for a standard 16:9 ratio image. This corresponds to the image size (800 x 450) that we request from clients for most rectangular images.
- Spacing: 10 is the recommended spacing between each item on your grid.
- Show Title: Choose this option if you wish to display the title of the content. For example: If you have configured your groups with a title, that title will display beneath the group (as shown in the screenshot above).
- Slide Description: Choose this option if you wish to display the description of the content. For example: If you have configured your groups with a description, that description will display beneath the group.
- Show Progress: For courses only, check this box to show the progress indicator in the corner of the Tile.
- After completing your configuration click the X at the top of the settings to collapse the grid configuration settings.
- Click Save Page.
Grid - Tab filtering options
To begin, locate the Tabs - Data Filtering section in the left-hand panel.
Caption -
Use the + icon to add new tabs.
The content you pull and organize will be shown within a grid.
If you create multiple tabs, the Page will display each as individual tabs above the Grid for easy access.
You can reorder tabs by dragging and dropping them.
The tabs are aligned from left to right on the page, with the top tab being the first, leftmost tab. If only one tab is created, it will represent the entire page, and you will see no tabs.
Configure tab settings. Setting will vary based on the type of content you select for each tab.
Choose the desired Content Type. The filter options will vary based on this selection. See table below.
Content Type | Filter Options |
Speaker |
Tags(N/A at this time) Dates: These options are pulled from the date sections within the speaker info page. Time Ranges: Specific: This option gives you a drop-down labeled Range and a Date field.
Sort Content:
Ascending: A - Z Descending: Z - A
Groups |
Tags N/A at this time Dates: These options are pulled from the date sections within Group settings. If I choose any date type, I will filter the tab by that specific date from the Group.
Groups I am a member of: When enabled, only the groups to which the user belongs will display in the grid. Privacy Level: Control which groups are displayed based on the privacy setting of the group.
Sort By:
Sort Order: Sorting will be dependent on the Sort By selection.
Sessions |
Tags N/A at this time. Sort By:
Sort Order: The sort order will be different based on the Sort By setting.