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A blurb is a brief but descriptive chunk of text created to promote something specific. It’s meant to grab a visitor’s attention, tell them everything they need to know about the promoted item, and convince them to choose it, typically in 150 words or less. For example: You may wish to use a blurb when promoting participation in your committees, as shown in the screenshot below.

Add a Blurb module

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right of the software.
  2. In the left navigation panel click Pages in the Layout section.
  3. Click the page on which you wish to add a Blurb (or create a new page if needed). Blurb will be added to the left hand panel. 
  4. Click Blurb in the left-hand panel.
  5. Enter your text into the Paragraph area. You can use the format options to control font & font size, font color, font format (bold, underline, italicize, etc.), and alignment. 
  6. After completing your configuration click the at the top of the settings to collapse the Blurb configuration settings.
  7. Click Save Page
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