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Hero Module
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The Hero module is a full-width image (or slideshow) with optional headlines and buttons that you can build into any of your pages. You will definitely want to display a hero on your home page but you can also include the same or different hero on any of your pages.

When you add a Hero banner to a page you will be able to configure:

  • Heigth of the banner: Small, medium or large.

  • Alignment of text: Left, right, center

  • Button: If you wish you can include a button on your banner. Assign text to the button and enter either an internal URL or external URL



Add a Hero module


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the software.
  2. Choose the page (or create new) on which you wish to add the banner 
  3. In the left hand panel, click the + to display all module options.
  4. Choose Hero. The hero banner will be added to your page and added to the left-hand panel.  
  5. Click on the word Hero in the left-hand panel to configure the banner. 
  6. Configure the following as desired:
    • Enter a title and a subtitle to display on the banner.
    • Select the desired alignment. This will align (left, right, center) the title and subtitle. 
    • Select the desire size of the banner. The banner will always be full width, but you can adjust the height (small, medium, large).
    • If you wish to include a button on the banner, enter the text to be displayed on the button and choose the desired color. 
    • Choose the button destination. You can choose an Internal page, course or group. Or, choose External and enter the desired URL. 
  7. Click the X at the top of the left hand panel to close the configuration section.
  8. Click Save Page



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