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Home > Community - Getting Started > Community - Customize Branding
Community - Customize Branding
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As you get started with Community, you will brand your site. This will allow you to set logos and colors to match your own association brand.


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the header bar.
  2. In the left hand panel, click General in the Layout Section
  3. In the Branding Section:
    • Upload the desired Logo. Used in the top left corner of the header bar, users can quickly find their way back to the main landing page of your website. Accepted file types: ‘png’, ‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘gif’, ‘webp’, ‘bmp’, ‘svg’. 200 px wide.
    • Upload the desired Favicon. The favicon displays on the browser tab and is usually a small square image. 16 × 16 px, 32 × 32 px, and 96 × 96 px

      .png file type with a transparent background.

  4. In the Theme section (Your theme settings allow you to determine the design components, such as color palette and fonts, for your pages.):

    • Enter the Site Title. The site title is what will display on the browser tab. Most use their association name.

    • Choose the desired Font. The theme font updates the primary font family used through the site.

    • Choose the desired Primary Color. Affects buttons, highlighted menu items, loading spinners, other accents and is available to use while building pages or library content.

    • Choose the desired Secondary Color. Available to use while building pages or library content. You can choose the desired color from the color picker or enter any code or RGBA colors.

    • Choose the desired Accent Color. Available to use while building pages or library content. You can choose the desired color from the color picker or enter any code or RGBA colors.

  5. Click Save at the bottom of the screen. 



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