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Home > Community - Getting Started > Community - Create Pages
Community - Create Pages
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The Community platform allows you to include a variety of different pages on the site. Pages may include a news feed, discussions, etc. The Pages feature offers a powerful tool for real-time layout editing with an intuitive interface.  


What pages will you need?


You can have an endless number of pages for your Community. As you get started, determine which pages you would like to start with (you will always be able to add additional pages later on.) .


Some recommended pages:


  • Home Page

  • Groups Page

  • Global Discussion Page

  • Sessions

  • Directory Page


Module Types


When you create pages you will be able to add Community modules to each page. Types of modules include:


Create a Page


  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right of the software.
  2. In the left navigation panel click Pages in the Layout section.
  3. Select the Create New Page button to start creating a new page.

  4. Enter page details

    • In the Create a New Page window, enter a Name for your page. (this name is seen on the front end)

    • Optionally, edit the auto-generated slug for the page.

    • Select Create to proceed or Cancel to discard.


Customize your page


Once created, select the newly created page from the Grid to customize it. The left-side navigation panel allows you to add and customize modules. The right side displays a preview of the page.



Add a module to Page

  1. Click the page that you wish to customize.
  2. In the left hand panel click the + to choose a module. 
  3. Select module type

    • Select the + icon in the left-side navigation to add a module.

    • From the prompt, select the module type you want on the page (e.g., Hero, Side-By-Side). The module is now displayed in the left-hand panel. 

  4. Use the provided options to modify the module's content and settings. See Community Modules for instructions. 


Arranging modules

When multiple modules are present, you can reorder them by dragging and dropping the modules into different positions.



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