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Home > Community - Getting Started > Moderation Feature
Moderation Feature
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Within Community, there is a moderation feature for users to report content that may be offensive, illegal, or in other ways goes against the terms of use for the platform. This tool provides a way for site and group admins to review and manage these reported items.


Moderation as an individual/member of the Community platform

The moderation feature can be used by individuals on the platform who are NOT either a site admin or group admin. 


Users are able to report content posted by another user from any level of the Discussion or Feed modules thread which includes the following items. Each content item has an ellipsis where you can click on Report.

  • For Discussions: 
  • For Posts: 
  • For Comments and Replies: 

After clicking on Report, a pop-up screen will ask you to choose a reason for reporting the content. It will specify which type of content in the question (Discussion, Post, or Comments and Replies).

The options available for the reason include:

  • Illegal/Copyrighted
  • Inappropriate
  • Harassment
  • False Information
  • Other - if Other is chosen, it will require additional comments for your report. 

For all reasons besides Other, the comment area for reporting is optional. 

Once reported, an acknowledgement message will appear and an in-app notification is sent to site and group admins. As of now, there is not a notification generated for the author of the reported comment. 

The item will still remain visible on the site but will reflect as Reported for the person who reported it.

Others will be able to report the same item. 

Moderation as a Site or Group Admin of the Community Platform

Site or Group Admin will receive an in-app notification and toast message when content has been reported.

Notification Features as a Site or Group Admin

As a Site or Group Admin, clicking on the notification will route the admin to the Moderation tab within the group or discussion the item was reported in.


The Moderation tab has two sub-tabs:

  1. Needs Review: To display newly reported items that require review. 
  2. Previously Reviewed: To serve as an archive of the reported items that have already been reviewed.


The Moderation tab will show: 

  • Who reported it 
  • Who posted it 
  • A reference to if it was a discussion, post or comment
  • How long ago it was reported
  • A link to Review and Take Action

Review and Take Action Link

Expanding the Review and Take Action link will present additional information such as the content text, date and time, and if there are any replies or likes. There will also be two presented options: Keep or Delete.

Important notes:

  • When posts are reported, it will show the number of comments (i.e. replies) and likes on that specific post. This does not include roll-up of any likes or replies to those underlying comments.

  • When discussions are reported, it will show how many underlying posts are within, as well as how many are following the discussion (only the discussion level can be “followed”). 

When Clicking Keep

The reported item under Needs Review will move to Previously Reviewed. The button will reflect Kept and will be greyed out. There is still an option to Delete the item if needed. 

When Clicking Delete

The reported item under Needs Review will move to Previously Reviewed and the item will be deleted. Depending on the level (discussion, post, comments, and replies) it will also delete all underlying content within the thread. There is an option to Restore the item if needed, which will also restore the underlying content in the thread. When deleted, a Toast Message and Notification will be sent to the author. 

Site Admin Moderation Access

As a Site Admin, you will have all moderation features at a site level which will be a consolidated list of reported content across all groups, as well as moderation that would be needed at a site level, if site level discussion and feed modules are being used. To find this, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner then navigate to Moderation in the left navigation pane. 


When a content item has been reported within the global discussion or feed, the notification is sent to the Site Admins and will route them to this Moderation page for review since it is not associated to a group.

Site and Group Admins Deleting Unreported Items

As a Site or Group Admin, you will have the ability to immediately delete discussions, posts, comments, and replies. You can also indicate the reasoning behind the deletion.

The options available for the reason for deletion include:

  • Illegal/Copyrighted
  • Inappropriate
  • Harassment
  • False Information
  • Other - if Other is chosen, it will require additional comments for your report.

The same options are available when users are reporting content.

It is treated as “reported content” and follows the same flow as reporting as a user. There is one added step that the reported item is also deleted during the process and recorded in the Previously Reviewed tab. 

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